"How We (Mis)communicate", TEDx Omaha, October 2016
"The result of her data music composition is by turns ominous and dissonant,
lyrical and shimmering - giving aesthetic weight to statistical trends in child immigration, gun violence in Nebraska, access to justice, gender inequality,
and housing segregation"
- Tom McCauley, Omaha Magazine
April began exploring the conversion of social data to music as a fellow at the Union for Contemporary Art in Omaha in 2015. Her project involves the use of mathematical methods to convert social data into music soundscapes that serve as an auditory representation of social complexity. With advanced degrees in law, research methods and social policy, she is interested in expanding conversations about social issues beyond the traditional modes of communication, and believes that the arts can be used as an alternative lens for approaching these topics, reaching new audiences, and expanding the terms of political discourse.
Please visit the links below for the 5 soundscapes, video presentation and to read the accompanying text. Video presentation of the works allows for a multifaceted experience of each of the data sets. The charts and graphs presented in each video merge musical conversions and the fundamental data artifacts from the original source material. The charts and graphs represent a traditional method of communicating about these data, while the corresponding soundscapes played with the video demonstrate the auditory translation.
Soundscape 1: Child Immigration from Central America
Soundscape 2: Gun Violence
Soundscape 3: Residential Segregation
Soundscape 4: Gender Inequality
Soundscape 5: Access to Justice
View, listen and consume data compositions on
vimeo or soundcloud